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Puzzle Bobble: Vacation Odyssey 3D
Title Design

I was asked to design and animate a series of title cards for a new video game trailer. The goal was to create titles that felt as if they were from the same universe as the existing Puzzle Bobble world. These animation would then be provided to a Video Editor to add their finishing touches to the project.

The Challenge





Evolve PR




While researching the game, I found a main aspect of the gameplay was interacting with these brightly-colored bubbles as you solved puzzles. I knew I wanted to utilize the bubbles as a main theme throughout the title cards.  I was able to tie in several other design elements that were nicely inline with the Puzzle Bobble brand, using them as background features and transition elements. 

The Solution


The completed game trailer was released to the masses and Puzzle Bobble: Vacation Odyssey was out in the world. 


The game has been released on Playstation and Steam. And they even made a VR version too!

The Result

Additional Credits

Thank you to all the amazing people at Evolve PR who helped make this project happen. These are the very talented individuals who had a hand in the making of this project.

Creative Director

Ryan Seville

Video Editors

Brendan McElroy

Emily Kolm

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