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Sword Fighter
Critical Hit!

The fantastic game, Dungeons and Dragons, has recently found its way into my life, and I am so glad it has! Ever since discovering D&D, it has been consuming my life in the best of ways. I wanted to create a short animation that encapsulated my passion for the game. Roll for initiative and let the combat begin!

The Challenge




Personal Project





Wanting to practice my 2D animation skills, I illustrated and animated a sword-fighting adventurer. Since dice are such a significant aspect of D&D, I knew I wanted to incorporate a D20 somehow. After exploring a few ideas, I soon discovered how to combine these two ideas into a fun little looping animation.

The Solution


In the end, I had my sword-fighting adventurer jumping atop a D20, and swinging around like the hero that they are. I had a ton of fun creating this short animation and I learned a lot along the way!

The Result

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